Tuesday, January 31, 2017

The Journalistic Different In Old Era, New Era And Reformation



          NAME                             : SANTY BERLIANTY
          STUDENT NUMBER    : 2018815


1.      Definition title
            Journalism is the activity set up, searching, collecting, processing, presenting, and spread
 the word through the media periodically to the widest possible audience with as quickly as possible.
            According to Roland E. Wolseley Journalism is the collection, interpretation, processing, 
and spread of information Sales manager, Opinion observers, Entertainment Sales Operations 
manager systematic and can be trusted to review Published hearts can be newspapers, magazines, 
broadcast  in Television.
               According to F. Fraser Bond Journalism ambraces all the forms in which and trough 
which the news and moment on the news reach the public.
            Old era is a term for the administration of President Sukarno in Indonesia. Old Order took place from 1945 to 1968. During this time, Indonesia used interchangeably liberal economic system and a command economy.
New Order is an order of the whole life of the people, the nation and the country put back the implementation of Pancasila and the 1945 Constitution purely and consistently. In other words, the New Order is an order that has the attitude and determination to serve the interests of the people and national level by guided by the spirit and the spirit of Pancasila and the 1945 Constitution.
Reform is a process of re-establishment of an order of life (old) is replaced by the new order. The goal is to better direction by looking at the future purposes. It also emphasizes the return to the original form to stop the irregularities and practices is wrong with doing a thorough overhaul of a system of life, both in terms of political, economic, legal, social and educational fields.
2.      Reason to choose a title the journalistic different in old era, new era and reformation.
The reason I chose this title because it wants to know the differences and the development of journalistic in the old order, the new order and the reform period.

The characterictic of journalistic
Bill Kovach 9 basic elements of the journalism practiced by the press should not be implemented. 9 The basic elements are:
1. The key obligation of journalism is on the search for truth.
2. The primary loyalty is to the citizen journalism.
3. The main essence of journalism is a discipline of verification.
4. Journalists must maintain the independency of the object reportage.
5. Journalists should make themselves as independent monitor of power.
6. Journalists should provide a forum for the public to critique each other and find a  compromise.
7. Journalists should strive to make it important to be interesting and relevant.
8. Journalists should make the news comprehensive and proportional.
9. Journalists must be allowed to listen to the conscience of its personnel.
            Examples of the dictatorship of the government towards the press is the event June 21, 1994. At that time some mass media such as Tempo, second, and editor of its publication license revoked or in other words, were banned after they issued an investigative report about the abuses committed by state officials. However, even though the government has silenced the media in such a way, but for media unyielding resistance to the government. One of them is the Tempo. New Order government has always felt threatened by the presence of Tempo. This is reasonable because the unyielding attitude of the media embedded reporters - journalists. It is inevitable that Tempo became the most important media in the new order.
            Surely, in the new order there is the official sanctioning body of the press in Indonesia, 
namely the Press Council. In accordance Press Law No. 40 of 1999, the press council is an 
independent body which was formed as part of efforts to develop press freedom and improve the 
lives of the national press. Based on the mandate of the Law, the press council has particularly 7 
1.      Protect press freedom from interference by other parties, can governments and communities.
2.      Conduct a study to the development of the press keidupan 
3.      Establish and oversee the implementation of the code of ethics of journalism.
4.      Giving consideration and the insistence on the settlement of public complaints on cases 
related to press reports.
5.      Develop a communication between the press, the public and the government.
6.      Facilitate press organizations in drafting regulations in the field of the press and 
improving the quality of the journalistic profession.
7.      Collect press company.
            But it is unfortunate that the press council of the new order does not perform its function 
effectively. Ironically, the press council does not protect fellow journalists. This is evident when 
banning media event in 1994. Many members of the press council to oppose the banning, but the 
council approved the press forced the government measures. No one could do a press council but 
to obey the instructions of the government. Rejecting synonymous with the fight against the 
government. Press council can be inferred the existence of the new order of formality only.
Journalistic old era
Press on the old order is a propaganda tool of the political parties. Some political parties have their own media, at the time known as the press release participants. Freedom of the press at this time based on the constitution Indonesia States and  Provisional Constitution in article 19 of the Constitution RIS mentioned everyone has a right to freedom of opinion and expression. This article back then included in the Provisional Constitution of 1950 reflects despite the ups and downs of political life, but freedom of the press in the opinion should remain in the constitution.
Act - an act of repression of press freedom by the authorities Old Order increases coincide with increased tension in the government. Action - action suppression of press freedom declined as tensions in government declined. Especially after printing - printing is taken over by the government and the journalists were required to pledge political support of government, so it is little government action emphasis to the press.
Restrictive measures against press freedom during 1959 in the same direction with years sebelumnys. With as much as 73 times the number of actions. During the 1960s occurred three times the revocation issue, whereas in 1961 reached 13 times. Details suppression measures or actions antipers for 14 years from May 1952 until December 1965, according to records Edward C. Smith reached 561 action.
            The government stressed that the main function of the press is to support the objectives of 
the revolution and all the newspapers into official government newspaper spokesman. "It is based 
on the views expressed Smith President Sukarno when addressing a rally in front of the 19th 
anniversary of PWI, which was published by the New York Times, among others:" .... I firmly 
stated today that in a revolution there can be no freedom of the press , Just press that supported the 
revolution that allowed life ", he said. "The press is hostile to the revolution had to be removed".
Journalistic in the new order
In the new order, the press to say there is no function for citizens. The press is seen only as a puppet ruler. There is no freedom of speech the government promised at the beginning of the beginning of the power of the new order. The existence of the press is closely monitored by the government under the auspices of the lighting department. This is done to anticipate things - bad things in the new order reached the ears of the community. The press can not do anything other than abide by the rules set by the government.
Aspirations of the people for the government is not distributed at all. This is because political communication that occurs only top - down. This means that the press only as a communicator of the government to the people. The press can not perform its function as a communicator of the people to the government. In addition, news that is channeled to the public regarding the government should be the news - news that upholds the government's success. Reported just something good. When a reckless media published the news - there may be bias about the government, can be sure the media fortunes are at stake.
And history also shows us that the PWI (Indonesian Journalist Association) did not bring significant changes in the pattern of repression is it. That there would be a media PWI also become a puppet of the government of the New Order regime in the country at that time. Policies - policies issued by the government's new order strongly support the existence of the press. One example is the policy (SIUPP) the license for the Press Publishing, which is not very pro-pers. Press experiencing difficulty when required to accomplish their functions - functions that are naturally attached to it, in particular their function for society.
Journalistic in reform era
            When the new order collapsed, the press like to lose control. Flow freedom opened wide - the 
width spontaneously. A wave of press freedom created a large scale, not slowly with due process. 
A policy that is monumental because it is considered as a milestone in the commencement of press 
freedom in Indonesia, namely the issuance Permenpen No. 01 / per / Menpen / 1998 on 
Provisions - Provisions this license. In this Permenpen, revoke this license and the banning of the 
press abolished. There are five rules, either in the form of regulation as well as the Decree of the 
Minister, all of which hamper the space for the press, revoked. The climax was the issuance of Law 
No. 40 of 1999 on the Press. There is a clause in the law that states repeal all laws that existed before 
the press. Since then, no government policy aggravating the press. As a result, the demand for the 
issuance of permits increased.
Press the reform period is always associated with democracy. Which democracy means freedom of speech and expression. One indicator of democracy is the creation of independent journalism. Despite the fact that this time, the press sometimes still used by the government to preserve power. Press the reform period are free to write anything their criticism of the government. No silencing, let alone banning. If the government was offended by what is conveyed by the press, the way to fight not with memberedel the press, but by utilizing the press itself as an effective communication tool between people and government. In other words, the press reform period established itself as an intermediary for the people and the government in order to avoid differences of perception.
            Press the reform period has more or less found himself. Independent press a gency. During the 
reform period, political communication occurred between the public and the government not only 
communication top - down, but also bottom - up. Press into a means of community to channel their 
aspirations, both in the form of demands and support. The press has also become a means of 
disseminating government policies - policies that have been taken. Releases into the container to 
determine whether the government's policies - policies that will take people agreed or not. If a policy 
has been adopted and applied, the press can take its role as a policy controller. In essence, the press 
reform period always perform functions at each process of the political system. During this period, 
9 of the basic elements and function - the function of the press is quite accomplished.
However, freedom of the press that is created during the reform does not mean do not cause any trouble. Freedom of the press is sometimes missed boundary reform period. There is an imbalance between the desires of the community with the interests of the press. The press tends to show something that smelled commercial and think only of the company's profits. The news is presented sometimes not objective. Not only that, the press also sometimes violated its own code of ethics. Norms and values ​​in society are ignored. In search of the press often negate compensation decency news. The press is no longer appreciate the privatization of the news source. For example, the press should focus only on issues - issues relating to the public interest, such as government policy, but the press will add to the personal affairs of news sources. It was very violating norms.
Public concern over press freedom, had appeared in the insurgency in the form of physical violence. This is partly characterized by Jawa Pos daily attacks in Surabaya by Banser supporters of Abdurrahman Wahid (natural Emilianus, 2005: 128). In essence, the press be forgotten that freedom is still there must be a limit. In the press reform more present themselves as the party close to power and capital. And it must be anticipated by society as a watchdog over the behavior of the press in Indonesia.

Releases during the old order is a propaganda tool of the political parties. Some political parties have their own media, at the time known as the press release participants.
In the new order of movement of the press is restricted and only as a puppet government to preserve its interests.
            While the on-time of reform, freedom of the press is guaranteed. The space for the press to be 
very broad. The press can perform the function of top - down and bottom - up, although sometimes 
still used as a tool of the authorities and owners of capital. Freedom of the press reform period is also 
not without problems, many problems arising from the freedom of the press itself.
2.       SOLUTION
               For the government certainly must know where strategic position of the press at this time, 
and thus can be an indicator of policy making in the future regarding the press.
               For the press should be able to position itself as one of the guards the course of democracy 
in Indonesia because of the strategic role.

               Asep Syamsul M. Applied Journalism: Journalism and Authorship Guidelines, 
Bandung, Batic Press. 2005. 
               Kustadi Suhandang. Introduction to Journalism: Regarding the organization, products, 
and Code of Conduct. Publisher Nuance. Bandung.  2004.
               Riswandha Imawan.1998. Dissecting the Politics of the New Order. Yogyakarta: 
Student Library. 1998.
               www.google”Definition and Understanding Reforms by the Experts | Educated”, 
December 16, 2016, 19:30.
               www.google”Old Order | Cita Denti Artika”, December 16, 2016, 19:26 hour.
               www.google” Understanding / definitions Journalism - Unix Lifes”, December 16, 
2016, 19:24 hour.

               www.google” Understanding the New Order government. ~ A journey of life”, 
December 16, 2016, 19:27 hour.

Wednesday, January 4, 2017

Kata Motivasi Dalam Bahasa Bangka

v      Setinggi apepun pangkat ka dalam begawe tetap la seurang pegawai, tapi sekecik apepun usaha yang ka punya, ka lah yang jedi bos e.

v      Dak usa begawe nek dapet duit bai, tapi pengalaman ge nek.

v      Men nek usaha harus semangat, biak keadaan cemenepun.

v      Ade gawe surang ukan mimpi, tapi asal e dari mimpi.

v      Jen ngitung jem tiap hari, tapi buetlah tiap jem pacak ngitung hasil e.

Nama   : Santy Berlianty

Nim     : 2018815                                                                                                  

#Bob Sadino

Tugas 4 Komunikasi Politik : Strategi Kampanye

Strategi Kampanye
Cabup Partai PPN
Partai Pemuda Pemudi Nasional

Pemilihan Bupati Bangka Tahun 2040-2045

Nama calon bupati      : Gita Sanjaya,S.Ikom
Logo partai                  : 

Visi                             :  Meningkatkan pembangunan pedesaan di
                                       kabupaten bangka
Misi                             :  1. Menciptakan masyarakat pedesaan yang
                                      kreatif, mandiri dan inovatif.
2. Mengembangkan ekonomi masyarakat pedesaan berbasis     pertanian dan pariwisata dengan infastruktur yang memadai.
                                      3. Meningkatkan kualitas pendidikan dan
                                          kesehatan masyarakat pedesaan.
                                      4. Meningkatkan serta mengembangkan lembaga  keagamaan dan
      kebudayaan masayarakat pedesaan
  5. Meningkatkan pelayanan aparatur
                                           pemerintah kepada masyarakaat pedesaan.

Slogan                         : Kita Bisa, Bangka Maju !!!
Statmen position         :      -     Seorang yang bijaksana.
-          Tegas.
                                           -     Dekat dengan segala unsur lapisan masyarakat.


Arti lambang partai     : -Mencerminkan Pemuda & Pemudi Indonesia.
Arti warna partai         : - Warna Biru : Mencerminkan Ketenangan, Bisa diandalkan,
 Kelembutan,  Kedamaian, Kebijakan, Panutan, Kepercayaan.
                                       -Warna  Abu-Abu :Mencerminkan Keamanan, Kepandaian, Serius,
 Kesederhanaan, Profesional.
                                      -Warna Merah : Mencerminkan Ketegasan, Menunjukkan
                                      -Warna Putih : Mencerminkan Kesucian, Kebersihan, Persatuan,
1.      Mencerminkan Kedekatan Calon Bupati Terhadap Lingkungan dan Masyarakat.
2.      Menggambarkan Kegiatan Yang Sesuai Dengan Visi dan Misi.
3.      Baju yang digunakan mencerminkan Tradisional.  

Jumlah Pemilih Untuk Kabupaten Bangka Dengan 8 Kecamatan 71 Desa/Kelurahan dan 584 TPS.
Total Seluruh Pemilih Untuk Kabupaten Bangka       : 314.686.
Dengan Jumlah Pemilih Laki-Laki Sebanyak             : 155.631.
Dengan Jumlah Pemilih Perempuan Sebanyak           : 219.655.
Jumlah Pemilih di Kabupaten Bangka Per-Kecamatan :
Sungailiat        : Laki-Laki                  : 52.096           Perempuan                  : 49.035
Belinyu            : Laki-Laki                  : 23.040           Perempuan                  : 24.157
Merawang        : Laki-Laki                  : 15.130           Perempuan                  : 14.027
Mendobarat      : Laki-Laki                  : 22.887           Perempuan                  : 25.255
Pemali              : Laki-Laki                  : 13.665           Perempuan                  : 14.741
Bakam              : Laki-Laki                  : 7.834             Perempuan                  : 8.818
Riau Silip          : Laki-Laki                  : 12.068           Perempuan                  : 13.125
Puding Besar    : Laki-Laki                  : 8.911             Perempuan                  : 9.897
Sasaran Pemilih Adalah Pemilih Yang Ada di Desa Dengan Segala Usia Terfokus Pada Wilayah :
Kecamatan      : Merawang,
  Riau Silip,
  Puding Besar.
Jumlah Pemilih Laki - Laki : 80.495.
 Jumlah Pemilih Perempuan : 85.863.
Total Seluruh Pemilih : 166.358.

Alasan memilih 6 Kecamatan tersebut karena wilayah mereka masih cenderung ke arah sektor Pertanian dan wilayah tersebut sesuai dengan target pemilih kami yaitu mencakup segala umur yang dimulai dari usia 17 tahun.

Assalamualaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh
Yang saya hormati dan saya banggakan seluruh lapisan masyarakat di Kabupaten Bangka.
Pertama-tama, marilah kita sekalian untuk sekedar berucap syukur kehadirat Allah SWT yang telah senantiasa berkenan melimpahkan segala rejeki, nikmat, karunia serta hidayahNya, sehingga kita semuanya masih diberikan kesempatan untuk merasakan kondisi bangsa yang merdeka dan kehidupan bermasyarakat yang dinamis.
Hadirin masyarakat Kabupaten Bangka yang saya hormati.
Perkenalkan nama saya Gita Sanjaya,S.IKom disini saya mencalonkan diri sebagai calon Bupati Kabupaten Bangka untuk masa jabatan 2040-2045 dari Partai Pemuda Pemudi Nasional.
Saya merasa pantas untuk memenangkan pemilihan Bupati Bangka ini, karena saya merasa bisa menjadi seorang pemimpin yang tegas, bijaksana dan dekat dengan segala unsur masyarakat, walaupun saya berasal dari Kota Sungailiat tetapi saya sangat dekat dengan masyarakat di pedesaan khususnya.
Melihat bagaimana Pembangunan di Desa saat ini yang kurang merata dan kurang berkembang dibandingkan di Kota. Berkaca dari hal tersebut maka saya memiliki visi Meningkatkan Pembangunan Pedesaan di Kabupaten Bangka. Walaupun sentuhan pemerintah sebenarnya lebih dekat dengan wilayah di perkotaan dibandingkan di desa. Tetapi saya berusaha semampu saya untuk membangun pedesaan di Kabupaten Bangka. 
Untuk menciptakan pembangunan yang merata di wilayah Desa Kabupaten Bangka, kita perlu menciptakan masyarakat pedesaan yang kreatif, mandiri dan inovatif. Walaupun hal tersebut sangat susah untuk diupayakan karena masih terbatasnya pendidikan masyarakat di wilayah pedesaan. Dengan masih terbatasnya pendidikan masyarakat saya akan meningkatkan kualitas pendidikan bagi anak – anak pedesaan dengan memberikan program sekolah gratis wajib belajar 12 tahun. Dan bagi para orang tua yang menderita buta aksara saya akan membangun Taman Bacaan di setiap desa, agar seluruh masyarakat desa mampu untuk menjadi masyarakat yang Kreatif, Mandiri dan Inovatif.
Setelah seluruh lapisan masyarakat memiliki pendidikan yang memadai maka dengan ilmu yang mereka dapatkan, mereka dapat memperbaiki perekonomian mereka, misalnya dari sektor pertanian mereka bisa membuat kelompok – kelompok tani untuk bercocok tanam seperti tanaman yang sebagian besar masyarakat Bangka kenal yaitu Lada, di samping itu mereka juga dapat bercocok tanam coklat, ubi casesa, jagung dan sayur sawi, selain dari sektor pertanian sebenarnya beberapa wilayah desa di Kabupaten Bangka memiliki potensi Pariwisata yang bisa dikembangkan untuk meningkatkan pendapatan ekonomi mereka. Di samping itu sebenarnya mereka mempunyai kendala untuk meningkatkan potensi pariwisata tersebut dikarenakan kurangnya infrastruktur yang memadai. Untuk meningkatkan infrastruktur yang memadai pemerintah akan meningkat pelayanan kepada masyarakat pedesaan.
            Selain masalah ekonomi yang harus diperhatikan, ada satu masalah yang tidak bisa dilupakan yaitu, masalah kesehatan masyarakat pedesaan. Dimana saat ini masyarakat pedesaan sangat sulit untuk berobat ke Rumah Sakit karena terbatasnya jarak yang cukup jauh. Karena hal itu saya akan membangun POSKESDES di setiap desa di wilayah Kabupaten Bangka, Poskesdes siap melayani segala keluhan masyarakat mengenai Kesehatan, sebelum penanganan lebih lanjut ke Puskesmas lalu ke Rumah Sakit. Dan saya akan meningkatkan pelayanan di setiap Puskesmas yang ada di setiap Kecamatan sehingga masyarakat desa tidak perlu jauh-jauh untuk berobat ke Rumah Sakit dimana terkendalanya jarak yang sangat jauh.  
Saat ini pengembangan Lembaga Keagamaan masyarakat mulai ditiadakan dikarenakan masyarakat mulai disingkirkan oleh pengaruh budaya baru dan kebudayaan masyarakat seperti halnya Nganggung mulai ditinggalkan. Untuk kembali meningkatkan kegiatan Lembaga Keagamaan saya akan  membuat Program Mengaji bersama di setiap hari Jum’at di Balai Desa agar masyarakat bisa langsung berkumpul. Dan untuk kembali membangkitkan budaya nganggung yang mulai ditinggalkan saya akan mencanangkan di setiap hari besar ISLAM agar masyarakat pedesaan untuk membawa dulang dari rumah yang berisi makanan untuk dibawa ke Masjid dan dinikmati bersama.
Hadirin masyarakat Kabupaten bangka yang saya hormati.Untuk itu saya memohon kepada seluruh masyarakat Kabupaten Bangka untuk mendukung saya. Calon Bupati nomor urut 2. Kiranya hanya sekian yang dapat saya sampaikan. Wabillahi Taufiq Walhidayah.
Wassalmu’alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh

Organisasi Profesi Humas

A.     PERHUMAS Pada tanggal 15 Desember 1972 para praktisi humas di Indonesia mendirikan Perhimpunan Hubungan Masyarakat Indonesia (PERHU...